Monday, May 01, 2006

Latex Tutorial on May 10th 2006

The ai-grads taskforce is hosting a Latex tutorial on May 10th 2006. The tutorial will take place in the 11th floor conference room at 12 noon. Free lunch will be provided (empanadas). If you're interested, please RSVP by posting a reply to this post.

About Latex:
LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system, with features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. Find out more at:


snehal said...

I would like to attend.

Martin Michalowski said...


Matthew Michelson said...

I will be there.

Mark Carman said...

add me to the list.
.... I had been waiting for my chance to ask matt some hard questions!
Good work for organising it guys!

Soo-Min said...

I'll be there.

Pipe said...


psamtani said...

Ill be there